Inclusive Agriculture: Common Skills and Knowledge Development Center Project Cukurova University


What are the goals we want to achieve at the end of the 18-month project?

  • Objective 1 – To increase the capacity of the Research and Application Farm

  • Objective 2 – Launching the “Joint skills and knowledge development center” website

  • Objective 3 – To ensure the preparation of a training needs analysis report

  • Objective 4 – Creating agricultural skills training and materials

  • Objective 5 – To enable 240 entrepreneurs to acquire advanced agricultural skills

  • Objective 6Preparing entrepreneurship skills development trainings and materials

  • Objective 7Creating a distance education platform

  • Objective 8To enable 75 entrepreneurs to acquire advanced entrepreneurial skills

  • Objective 9Developing mobile applications for agricultural activities

  • Objective 10Dissemination of outputs




If you want to have basic information about the activities in the project, the trainings that will take place, the application to be developed and more, spend some time in this section.

Although we have a list of topics for the trainings to be provided within the scope of the project, it is important to understand what type of training our target groups really need. For the training needs analysis, 25 in-depth interviews will be held with our target audience, public authorities and private sector representatives related to the agriculture sector. In addition, 3 focus group meetings will be held and the results will be analyzed and reported. This report will determine the direction of the trainings to be given within the scope of the project.

Training programs will be developed according to the findings obtained in line with the Training Needs Analysis. Provide training program, presentations, assessment tools, events, etc. for trainees. A set of participants will be prepared with a handbook containing information. Simultaneous translation will be applied in the trainings and will be carried out in both Turkish and Arabic. You can also find short videos for training on this website.

Prescribed courses; beekeeping, avocado, citrus, medicinal and aromatic information, sustainable agriculture and pruning course.

Click the button to access more detailed information about the trainings and to register for the trainings.

A distance education platform will be established, where participants can participate at any time, in order to receive trainings for the development of entrepreneurs who have a business idea or have established a business. There will be Basic Entrepreneurship Training, Agricultural Entrepreneurship Training, Foreign Trade Training and Digital marketing training videos on the platform. Members registered to the platform will be able to access the training module and retrospective videos at any time and will be entitled to receive a certificate as a result of achieving 70% success in the end-of-module exam.

Click the button to go to the Distance Education Platform and learn more about entrepreneurship training. When the platform is active, the button will guide you.

A mobile application will be established for people who have attended courses such as beekeeping, avocado, citrus, medical and aromatic information, sustainable agriculture and pruning, which are envisaged in agricultural skill development trainings, and have completed their education. Thanks to the application, they will be able to learn about agricultural activities, weather conditions and various announcements.

By using the mobile application, you can obtain more detailed information about agricultural activities such as pruning, fertilization, spraying, planting, harvesting and produce at the right time. Click the button to download the application as it is available.

During the execution of the project, Social Cohesion: Learning Together and Empathy Training will be given to 15 staff of the Faculty of Agriculture Practice Research Center in order to manage crises with a peaceful and rights-based approach against the problems that may arise between Syrian and local entrepreneurs due to cultural differences.

Within the scope of the project, theoretical lectures for GKO and LHC members will be held at Çukurova University. The university has allocated two classrooms for education and the equipment of these classrooms will be improved within the scope of the project.

Practical training will be carried out in order to support the theoretical training received. Thanks to the hands-on training, they will gain the ability to use equipment as well as gain practice. Equipment will be purchased during the applied trainings in order to gain effectiveness and to meet the occupational health and safety conditions.

Click the button to get detailed information about applied trainings and to register.

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“Inclusive Agriculture: Joint Skills and Knowledge Development Center” project was initiated by T.C. It is carried out by Çukurova University with the coordination of Çukurova Development Agency within the scope of ENHANCER Project – Common Use Facilities Grant Program carried out by ICDPM in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Technology Development Agencies General Directorate.

The aim of the project was determined as “to contribute to the development of an inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem for Syrian and local entrepreneurs under temporary protection in the agricultural sector through skill development”. With this project, both Syrians under temporary protection and local entrepreneurs in Turkey will have an environment where they can access agricultural and entrepreneurial skills development trainings equally, thus we will be one step closer to inclusive entrepreneurship. Within the scope of the project, the “Common Skills and Knowledge Development Center” will operate within the “Çukurova University Faculty of Agriculture Research and Application Farm”. For this purpose, the capacity of the application farm will be increased with various applications, and it will be ensured that the project walks towards the target with more solid steps.


Check if there is a suitable training for you and do not miss the opportunity to improve.


To enroll in beekeeping, avocado, citrus, medicinal and aromatic information, sustainable agriculture and pruning courses, visit to learn more.


Go to Distance Education Platform and attend Basic Entrepreneurship Training, Agricultural Entrepreneurship Training, Foreign Trade Training and Digital Marketing Training.


This training, which will be given to the 15 staff of the Faculty of Agriculture Application and Research Center, will develop the competencies on “Social Cohesion: Learning Together and Empathizing”.

Register for Agricultural Trainings

The total quota is 240 people. Trainees will be given a participant kit along with a handbook containing the training program, presentations, assessment tools and activities. The trainings will take place at the Faculty of Agriculture. Don’t forget to get your certificate at the end of the training!

Beekeeping Course

The training will be repeated twice. The total quota is 40 people.

Also 60-75 min Video Tutorial!

Avocado Course

The training will be repeated twice. The total quota is 40 people.

Also 40-60 min Video Tutorial!

Citrus Course

The training will be repeated twice. The total quota is 40 people.

Also 40-60 min Video Tutorial!

Medicinal and Aromatic Knowledges

The training will be repeated twice. The total quota is 40 people.

Also, 45-60 min Video Tutorial!

Sustainable Agriculture

The training will be repeated twice. The total quota is 40 people.

Also, 30 min Video Tutorial!

Pruning Course

The training will be repeated twice. The total quota is 40 people.

Also, 45-60 min Video Tutorial!


Register now to the distance education platform, complete the training, get your certificate, improve yourself and get the chance to use the mobile application that will be developed for agricultural entrepreneurs.


This application, which will be prepared for entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector, will inform users about agricultural activities and facilitate scheduling, create time for planning and prevention by making preliminary notification about critical weather conditions, and increase productivity.

Participate in agricultural skills development trainings and do not miss the opportunity to benefit from the mobile application.



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