Inclusive Agriculture Training Courses for Agricultural Skills Development Started at Çukurova University’s Joint Skill and Knowledge Development Center Project

Çukurova University’s “EU-supported Inclusive Agriculture: Joint Knowledge and Skill Development Center” project continues at full speed. As part of the project aimed at contributing to the development of an inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem by developing the agricultural knowledge and skills as well as entrepreneurial skills of both Syrian and Turkish host community members, agricultural skills development courses have been started to be given.

Dr. Baran Yaşar, Deputy Director of Research and Application Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture at Çukurova University and the Project Coordinator, provided information about the project. He stated that within the scope of the “Joint Skill and Knowledge Development Center” at the Research and Application Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture at Çukurova University, theoretical and practical agricultural skills development courses (beekeeping, avocado cultivation, pruning, citrus cultivation, medicinal and aromatic plant production and usage areas, and sustainable agriculture) were given to 240 people (60% temporary protection Syrian, 40% Turkish host community members) and online entrepreneurship skills development (basic entrepreneurship, agricultural entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and foreign trade) training was provided to 75 people.

Theoretical and Practical Education is Given on Agricultural Activities Dr. Yaşar stated that theoretical agricultural skills development courses were given in Turkish and Arabic languages in two classrooms, which were prepared for education within the scope of the project and located in the newly built Cattle Unit within the Livestock Department of the Research and Application Farm, and practical courses were given in other units located at the Research and Application Farm.

Dr. Yaşar also stated that detailed information and registration for the agricultural skills development courses given within the “Inclusive Agriculture: Joint Knowledge and Skill Development Center” project conducted by Çukurova University under the coordination of the Industrial and Technology Ministry Development Agencies General Directorate within the framework of the Common Use Facilities Grant Program of the “Enhancer of Sustainable Socio-Economic Integration (ENHANCER)” project, which is carried out by the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), can be obtained from the website